The Presbyterian


Offers Worship, Outreach Programs, Vacation
Bible Schooling, & More

1st Presbyterian of Englewood
1st Presbyterian of Englewood
1st Presbyterian of Englewood

Schedule for Worship Service Service, & Ministry

In response to God's grace, the First Presbyterian Church of Englewood lives to worship and glorify a loving God with joy and enthusiasm, encouraging others to draw closer to God through education, service and ministry.

1st Presbyterian of Englewood

Schedule for Worship Service

A traditional and exciting worship service is held each Sunday morning at 10:30. Our preaching is always deeply spiritual, challenging, with a touch of humor, and based on the Holy Scripture.

Sunday school starts at 9:00 AM.

1st Presbyterian of Englewood

Get involved

Food & Clothing Bank


Get involved

Our Angels Child Care Center


Get involved

Men’s Shelter Dinner
