Who We Are

Rev. Loye and Jenny Troxler
At the First Presbyterian Church of Englewood, we are a fellowship of diverse individuals bonded together by our faith in God through Jesus Christ. We seek to know Christ’s presence and show Christ’s love by relating God’s Word in scripture to the world and our personal lives. We carry out this mission by the following.
The regular, inclusive worship of the living God, founded upon the Good News's proclamation and experience of new and abundant life in Jesus Christ.
We are dedicating ourselves as people of faith to lives of commitment, service, self-giving, and personal growth (i.e., change) in Christ.
Creating Christian identity in a fragmented world, a church home where members and friends, children and adults, families and individuals are challenged and equipped to give thanks, offer praise, grow in faith and knowledge, and be nourished together.
We welcome all who would join our worship and work, thereby celebrating the varied backgrounds that lead us to be bound together as One in Christ.
Reaching out with material care to the human beings of our community to bear witness to Jesus Christ’s compassion and justice and to open ourselves to the people and situations where we can meet Christ by serving others as He serves us.
We are trusting in the creative power of the Holy Spirit, seeking to be the church “Reformed and always being reformed,” risking ourselves for the sake of the Gospel, and embracing God’s new future with joy and hope.